The Artist

“The real travel consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.”
- Marcel Proust -
Between the salty scent of the Mediterranean Sea and that of the flowers of its bushes, I have the immense luck of having grown up surrounded by nature in Corsica; my island with exquisite landscapes.
This nature, refuge and resource inspires me when I paint.
Captivated by the novels of Marguerite Duras and the first explorers, I had this desire to discover in my turn this Orient which has made so many dream throughout the ages.
So I settled for a little over ten years in Shanghai and then Hong Kong, in order to experience this exhilarating page of China's history after Mao, this dynamism that we could see on every street corner while continuing their customs reflecting several millennia of history.
Back in France, I finally fulfilled this project that had been close to my heart for several years: creating a jewelry brand that would be an ode to nature and an invitation to travel through poetic illustrations.